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How do I decide the price of my book?
Sarah H avatar
Written by Sarah H
Updated over a year ago

As the seller, you're in complete control of how you price your book, and if you choose to adjust the price. PangoBooks will never adjust the price for you.

If you're unsure where to start, we recommend looking at similar listings available on PangoBooks, and pricing similar to those listings. A good place to start is about 60% of the retail price, adjusting as needed if you're not selling as quickly as you want! Pricing also depends on the condition of the book, with "New" and "Like New" listings most likely being priced higher than listings that are considered "Fair" or "Poor." Hardcover books are also typically priced higher than paperbacks.

Additionally, when you list a book to sell, you will see a suggested price range based on our recent sales data. Our data is tied to specific ISBNs, which means that the pricing suggestion is tailored to the specific edition of the book you are selling. All you have to do is decide your price and create your listing! For more information on this feature, check out our blog post.

These are just some suggestions if you're unsure where to begin with pricing, but how to price your books is completely up to you as the seller.

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