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How much does shipping cost on PangoBooks?
How much does shipping cost on PangoBooks?

How much does shipping cost? What shipping methods do you use? Who pays shipping? What is the shipping price?

Sarah H avatar
Written by Sarah H
Updated over a week ago

Shipping cost is determined by the weight range of the book selected by the seller at the time of listing. All books ship via USPS Media Mail. Buyers pay the cost of shipping unless they have met the free shipping minimum in a seller's store, in which case the seller pays shipping.

Current shipping cost by weight:

  • 0-1lb - $4.99

  • 1-2lb - $5.17

  • 2-3lb - $5.99

  • 3-4lb - $6.99

  • 4-6lb - $7.99

  • 6-7lb - $8.99

  • 7-10lb - $9.99

While most Pango orders are under 10lbs, some bundles or box set listings may be above 10lbs. When an order is over 10lbs, the shipping cost is calculated according to total weight.

If you are a seller, and your listing weighs more than 10lbs, or the Pango-generated weight is incorrect, you will also have the option to enter the exact weight in ounces. If you have a scale handy, please check the weight of the book as part of your listing process. For more information on entering a custom weight, click here.

For buyers looking to save on shipping, we highly recommend looking for sellers with a free shipping offer on their shop, and buying multiple books from them!

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