Sometimes USPS does not scan packages as delivered, so you may receive your order without tracking ever updating or without the app registering the order as delivered. If you have received your book(s) but your order is still showing as in progress or in transit, you can mark the order as received from your account. This helps ensure that the seller on your order receives their funds in a timely manner.
To mark an order as delivered, you can follow these steps:
Navigate to your account menu
Select "My Purchases"
Select the order and then click "Mark Delivered"
Please note that this button is only available for buyers on orders, not sellers.
Alternatively, you can let our team know by replying to your confirmation email, connecting to us via our chat box on this page, or emailing and we will update the order accordingly.
If you are the seller and you think one of your books has been delivered but has not yet updated, we recommend messaging the buyer to verify they have received the book. If they have, they can mark the order as delivered, or we can update the order and process your earnings accordingly.